Big foot

Big foot
Still growing into those kickin' life in the ass boots!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Ghosts among the Happy Trails

Such a dry, sandy, scorched place but what a storied past it holds. 

Pioneertown, California was created in 1947 by Roy Rodgers and the Sons of The Pioneers as a movie/TV set.  Its streets teemed with Hollywood cowboys that gave a post WWII audience all the glitz, glitter and ‘the good guys always win’ stories they craved after living through a war that brought the entire world to its knees.

Today its shine has dulled significantly, reminding me of a flickering florescent bulb, not dead yet but the moments of darkness are becoming more frequent and last a bit longer each time.

Folks still travel here to walk the dusty streets, peer into vacant replicas of old west shops, take photos while posing beside decaying old-west style wagons and browse through a few refurbished stores offering leather ware, pottery, snacks and souvenirs.  I fear in a not so distant future only a Wikipedia page with a few dated pictures will remain to tell people of a town called Pioneertown, California that was built by Hollywood cowboys in 1947 as a stage from which to entertain a generation that is also beginning to return to dust. 

Me?  I love the place!  

When I walk the empty Mane Street (no, I didn’t misspell it) as the sun is just beginning to think about peeking over the horizon, before others arrive and locals awaken, I see the Pioneertown ghosts and gladly walk among them.  I hear the cowboy ballads being sung by Roy and the Sons of The Pioneers and the steady clip-clop of the horses they ride.  I feel the excitement of creativity being put into motion by the directors, producers, make-up artists, costume designers, camera and sound crews and I can even smell the meals being made in the on-set kitchen. 

It’s all still here and always will be. 

Just because something isn’t seen all the time, in the manner we’re ‘taught’ it ‘should’ be seen, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

HA!  As I type this, I hear a coyote’s howl!  A fitting “yes, we’re still here” message don’t you think?

Happy Trails to You!

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