Big foot

Big foot
Still growing into those kickin' life in the ass boots!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Wine, Whiskey and Lack of Thought

My poor neglected blog. (sad, guilty face….)

Writing, no matter how “bad” or nonsensical, has always been an outlet for me.  When others grabbed a smoke (of the tobacco or other variety), slammed down a few extra cocktails, glasses of vino or beers, I chose to write the jagged edges off of my day, week, month, life.  At a very young age, when all of the aforementioned artificial means of denial were not available to me, and discussing what confused or troubled me was discouraged (even forbidden), I discovered that putting my thoughts down on paper was cleansing.  It didn’t really solve anything but it lightened the load and made me “feel” better. 

Hence, a coping behavior was stumbled upon that allowed me to keep moving forward at times when I was brutally stuck in life’s menagerie of muck. 

I became a very good side-stepper.  Still am…

SO, here we are!  My 65th Birthday is knocking at my door.  The 35 year-old I think I am is shocked!  (Wicked Witch laugh here)

I suppose a good dose of therapy is needed at this stage of my life. 

Every day, in a hundred ways, I’m “told” that “at my age” I should consume until my brain explodes self-help books & videos on “aging”, eat healthy, exercise, regularly visit my doctor and dentist, hide (and even eliminate) my well earned character lines using the latest and greatest celebrity endorsed creams, send for FREE back and knee braces AND don’t forget to look into the financial magic of a reverse mortgage and/or “final expense insurance”! 

God Almighty, “Seniors” are bombarded with so much useless crap! 

We’re going to be marketed and medicated into extinction quicker than the ice cap is melting! 

Screw global warming!  Save yourselves!

Guess what?  Our bodies are going to betray us and become saggy remnants of what once was.  Our eyes will get cloudy, bladders weak, hair thin, prostates enlarged, reflexes stalled in mid thought, etc., etc.,  etc……

There is no quick fix to what awaits us all.   Ugh!!!!

SO, what’s my point???!!!

Get out there my friends and ENJOY being old! 

Take that saggy ass, those droopy upper arms and creaky knees out into whatever gives you joy, cuz guess what?  Your days are numbered and there aren’t any wrinkle creams that are going to change that.

If you have to really ponder what brings you joy, guess what?  You’ve got a lot of catching up to do.

Take the phrases “I can’t” and “what if” out of your vocabulary.  Fight fire with fire and say “I can’t use the excuses of I can’t or what if anymore!” 

Learn something new! (like how to make wooden signs or write a stupid blog, HA!)

Forgive someone who you feel wronged you and make amends.

Read up on a topic you think you’re an expert on, just to prove you’re not an expert at all.

If I die trying, guess what, I’m going to die anyway so…….. yeah you got it.

If you’ve been patient enough to read through this entire rant, I’ll tell you that we’re preparing to pull our 22’ home on wheels north in about 4 weeks and leave the comfort zone of our new little stationary home in the desert to once again join the other saggy ass, droopy upper arms, creaky knees old folks who have taken “I can’t” and “what if” out of their vocabulary. 

More to come on that….

The travels of 2019 may just be the best journey yet.

And that kind of thinking brings me joy, saggy ass, droopy upper arms, creaky knees and all. 

Rejoice until the music stops and then simply hum a tune as you leave the stage knowing all of it, every last fucking second, was worth it. 


  1. Love this Becky! This last month has completely followed what you've said. Hope we can see you both before we leave on our journey east in may, Kermit & Jeannette

    1. I hope we see you too and get a tour of your fancy new "home"!

  2. Write it sister, sing it outloud.
    Keep sharing the truth make us all proud. ;)
