Big foot

Big foot
Still growing into those kickin' life in the ass boots!

Thursday, August 20, 2020



It’s a Sunday morning.

I’m up at 6:30, grab my 2nd cup of coffee and head out the door into the chilly 37 degree Montana air.

The sky is clear, the sun has just risen above the horizon, doves coo, sprinklers chatter while baptizing the chapel lawn.

I search the clear blue sky for the resident bald eagle but he, or she, has likely come and gone hours ago.

Sunrises such as this always demand I take a photo, or two, or three so I can revisit this place, and this time, long after we’ve moved on.

Sometimes, I see what seems like a useless object, or mundane slice of landscape, and that’s the end of it.  I pass on and the moment is forgotten.

Sometimes, I see what seems like a useless object, or mundane slice of landscape, and I can’t walk away without snapping a photo.

That being said, empty coffee cup in hand, I begin to wander back to the camper and pass through the “bone yard”, which intrigues me each time I pass by.

I’m in the home stretch, on the outskirts of the “bone yard”, focused on refilling my coffee cup for the 3rd time, when for no reason in particular, I turn my head and see a window.

I don’t know why, but I set my empty cup on the ground, aim my phone camera at the window and snap away, having no clue why this particular window called to me.

I do know, there is a story, a message, a subtle hint of a reminder somewhere within this seemingly unimportant tattered, weathered, extremely forlorn looking wooden frame, rusted metal hinges and broken glass.

Once home, I bring up the images on my laptop for a closer look at this mystery window, and this is what I see.


At first glance I saw, and felt, confinement, a jail window bordered by old electrical wires that threatened to harm anyone who tried to escape.  A lone shard of glass clings to the frame, a remnant of an attempted escape gone bad?  A lantern, meant to shine brightly, hangs dark and broken, surrendering to its state of confinement and the hopelessness that surrender suggests. 

A bleak story that seems to have a not-so-happy outcome isn’t it?



Then I look beyond what’s right in front of me, deeper within the depths of the photo and a completely different view becomes visible. 

I see another window, completely barrier-free, offering a wide-open-spaces view of the bright morning sunshine and surrounding grove of cottonwood trees.

Here again I’ve been gifted with an unexpected message, from wherever, or whomever, such messages come from.


Look beyond what’s been slammed in front of you and immediately demands your attention.

Seek what’s within, rather than what’s on the surface.

There’s always a story, within a story.

And it’s your responsibility, and your responsibility alone, to seek out, as Paul Harvey said so well, “the rest of the story”.




Good Day……


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