Big foot

Big foot
Still growing into those kickin' life in the ass boots!

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Kewpie Dolls - Sins of My Mother

Unless you’re of a certain age group it’s likely you won’t have the slightest idea what a Kewpie Doll is, so let me enlighten you.

They were cherished possessions, especially in the Depression Era 1930’s, when food was higher on the priority list than frivolous toys and these magnificent little celluloid munchkins were most commonly given as prizes at local carnivals.

Some were naked little cherubs, some were dressed in plain cotton clothing, reflecting the no frills struggling working class.  Some were decked out in bright colored feathers and sequins, reflecting a rather sinful razzmatazz lifestyle the no frills struggling working class whispered about at church gatherings but deep down inside, where of course God couldn’t see, they were all curious and longed to witness such a sinful display of elegance.

My Mom was born in 1934 and as a child she became desperately ill with pneumonia.  Confined to bed, with shades pulled and windows closed, little could be done for her at the time.  Mom said she remembers the doctor visiting and examining her, then backs would turn, whispers were exchanged in the shadowy corners of the stale oppressive bedroom that reeked of doom and gloom.

Of course all of the above was telling her, she would surely die.

Everyone seemed resigned to the fact that she would surely die.

In her child’s mind the grave was dug and she’d better ask forgiveness for all her childhood sins because she was about to meet her maker!

Yikes almighty!

Also in her child’s mind she was aware that there had been a steady stream of family, friends and neighbors who stopped by to console Grandma and Grandpa, bringing food and occasionally gifts for Mom, as a final token of their love and concern.  These gifts were appropriately displayed on the formal dining room table. 

Now Mom was strictly forbidden to leave bed!  This was a non- negotiable 11th Commandment, an act that would not only surely take her life but send her immediately to H-E-L-L for all eternity. 

But dang, someone had brought her a Kewpie Doll, dressed in feathers and sequins and the “knowing” of its presence was too much of a temptation.  After all, she was going to die anyway, right? 

Of course she artfully snuck out of bed and grabbed that Kewpie Doll as her final act of defiance before sinking into the abyss of eternal damnation to dance with the devil.

Once her sin was discovered Grandma was beside herself with grief because she truly believed Mom had expedited her inevitable demise by leaving her bed.  Mom remembers Grandma crying and crying at the certain loss of her 3rd born daughter.

The “rest of the story” is obvious since Mom just celebrated her 87th Birthday.

She not only recovered but went on to wreak havoc in a “grab the Kewpie Doll” way for decades!

I guess what I see here is a lesson of epic proportions.

In the darkest hours, when others (even if they love you) confine you, whisper in shadowy corners and weave webs of short-sighted opinions and beliefs based on what they believe to be true that silence and extinguish the light of Hope… look for the F***ing Kewpie Doll!!!!

It may be the end of you, but then again, it may be your Life Preserver in a storm others created around you

We all must choose.  That’s the beauty of it. We have choices.

Me?  I’m a Kewpie Doll seeker.

And God Bless the person who brought Mom that Kewpie Doll!