Big foot

Big foot
Still growing into those kickin' life in the ass boots!

Thursday, May 20, 2021

“I’m not going to give up on life!” ……. Dora Houfek May 2021

So here’s the deal….

2020 and the beginning of 2021 have been a BITCH, to say the least.  

Whether you believe everything you were told about the “Virus” or believe it’s a complete hoax, it’s definitely been a time when once again lines have been drawn in the sand, fracturing families, friends and stirring up a cesspool of controversies.

So, was it worth it?  The fracturing that is.  

The answer is as personal as the opinions on the “Virus” itself.  

The true killer isn’t the “Virus”, it’s the ripping apart of relationships of those who are still living.  

Personally, I wasn’t afraid of the virus but I didn’t invite it into my home.  I wore a mask where required.  I washed my hands after being out in public places thoroughly as told.  Yada, yada, yada….


We did go to restaurants occasionally when they opened (in our summer Montana home and in Arizona when we returned) and if outside seating was available we took it, if not, we didn’t.  We did not wear masks until seated (what goofiness was that about?)  We did our necessary grocery and household shopping as needed, wearing masks as required (Dave had to be reprimanded occasionally, LOL).  The campground we volunteered in (OK, only Dave worked, I was a lady of leisure) didn’t require masks and the only ones I saw wearing masks were a few folks using the laundry room where others may be present.  We didn’t fret over it.

Returning home to Arizona and our little community that is 99% 70+ years-old, like us, they are cautious, but not terrified of the “Virus”.  I resumed my cleaning jobs and only 1 client who was on oxygen asked me to wear a mask.  

I guess you reach an age where you finally admit you have to die of something and we’d rather it wasn’t this dang virus but these final years, decades, days, are not going to be compromised and dictated by mixed messages, inaccurate numbers and fear based information.  

Neither myself, Dave, or any of my cleaning clients contracted the “Virus”.

Moving on, the vaccines come out and now another choice, to get the shot or not.  

Personally, there was no question in my mind.  Hell, why not?  

Will it kill me?  Eventually maybe.

Will the government secretly implant a chip in me along with the vaccine.  Ultimately maybe.

Will it alter my DNA as rumored?  Perhaps.

OK, I’m not that stupid and reseach the science of the vaccine, which has been in the making for 2 decades.  Of course, beyond my realm of understanding but so are the vehicles I drive and the internet I use daily and the cell phone I use constantly, etc., etc., etc…..


I’ve lived a life well beyond any expectations I ever imagined.

If the government is so f#@*ing interested in me, that they implant a chip in me, be my guest!  You’re in for the ride of your life!

My DNA?  Hell, I’m only one step away from a chimpanzee anyway.  Give me a banana and show me the nearest tree!

If others feel differently, I may not “get it” but I’m also wise enough to know that we each have our own lives, growth experiences, life expectations and priorities and I won’t judge, or do my best not to judge.  

Here’s the kicker.

Yesterday, I’m talking to my 87 year-old Mom (who drives me ape shit crazy but I love her MIGHTY) and she’s telling me how she hasn’t been to the local mall in a year and a half (she lives in an assisted living facility) and she went to the mall last week.  She was apprehensive since it’s been so long since she’s been “out” because of all the “Virus” business, but her words were, “I decided I wasn’t going to give up on life!, so I decided to just go do it!”

Holy Shit!  Such a simple sentence says so much!  YAY MOM!

That’s it in a nutshell!  Walking through  the fear, based on legitimate or false fear, is crucial.  Fear is fear and digging deep into your Soul to challenge it is bravery in its purest form, regardless of its validity.  

I refuse to give up on LIFE!  

Whatever that definition is to YOU is the key.  

For some, it’s sending kids back to school.

For some, it’s going back to the gym, or work, or your favorite coffee shop.

For some, it’s going to the mall.

Whatever path you have chosen to walk this last year and a half, please, please, please Don’t Give Up On Life!  

Your Life!

Because it’s precious and short and important beyond words, because it’s Your Story!

And when we’re only dust and memory, that’s all that remains, Our Story.

My Story is still being written but when that last page, that last sentence is written I want it to say, “I’m Not Giving Up On Life!’

The End…..

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