Big foot

Big foot
Still growing into those kickin' life in the ass boots!

Friday, May 27, 2022

Reaching! Still Reaching!!


In 2012 when Dave and I began this RV journey we had no idea how it would mold and shape our lives or the experiences, challenges, triumphs, lessons and people it would lead us to.

I wouldn’t change a thing, not one blessed thing. Not even the bad stuff.

We’ve shared unbelievable vistas. Historical landmarks that range from Arlington National Cemetery to the Montana ghost town of Bannack, spent a shocking amount of money to eat lobster rolls in Bar Harbor, Maine, spent a week with daughter, son-in-law and grandkids in New Hampshire, met up with cousins Dave hadn’t seen in many years, and with their help, discovered high school pictures of his Dad in a year book in the Pontiac, ILL library where his Dad, and his cousins, grew up. 

Absolutely priceless moments in every sense of the phrase.

But, we’ve also fought and hated each other for the half day or so it takes to settle back into a place of reason. Counted pennies to determine how much gas or diesel fuel we can buy to get to a destination and if we need to find a free camping spot or can afford the luxury of a full hook up site for a night or two.

Sacrifice is a huge part of our choice to feed our restless Souls, but Life’s a crap shoot so let’s roll!

Fast forward to today.

South Dakota, a usual pass through destination, after visiting my family and some friends, perhaps cruise through and see some of the Black Hills on our way someplace else. This year, it’s a 4+ month stop and work camper jobs, an unanticipated, completely un-preplanned destination.

Again, trust the timing and the doors that open, doors you didn’t even know existed.

This time around we’re doing the most menial of jobs, cleaning bathrooms, cabins, trash pickup and any other clean-up jobs we’re assigned, which we’ve done before and believe me it’s much easier than working a check-in booth! HA!

For the first time EVER, most of our co-workers are not retirees. They are local high school and college students.  Our supervisor is 22 years-old and began in the custodial crew 6 years ago as a high school student. He’s high energy, very motivated and always ready to listen.

As different as this experience is, it’s an amazing opportunity to work with young people and show ‘em us old folks are still useful and provide an example they can look up to and remember as they move through their lives.

Wow.  Just Wow!

I think, at the time, we both wondered why this particular scenario came knocking on our door.  My nearby family and lifelong friends (and a 50th class reunion) was initially top of mind, but other deeper purposes are surfacing and I am again amazed at life’s ebb and flow. 

A purpose greater than ourselves is always available if you’re willing to reach for it.

Reaching! Still Reaching!

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