Big foot

Big foot
Still growing into those kickin' life in the ass boots!

Sunday, January 9, 2022

The Art of Unlearning


I’ve struggled for months with a new blog topic. 

There is so much going on, and so much to say, but everyone is saying too much, and in the saying, they become talking heads, with nothing worth listening to.

So what could I possibly say that would be of value?

In the last few weeks I’ve been given the time, and opportunity, to really dwell on a topic.  Subtle little messages were telling me to pay attention, sift through my mind clutter and spew forth some written words. 

After a hot steamy shower, which can cleanse my mind of clutter, if I choose to exercise that skill, a topic rose to the surface, and here we are.


Yes, a demon I often ignore and resist.

I’m not talking about relearning or learning more.  I’m talking about a total purge of certain things I was taught was Absolute Truth and likely influenced by my parents, grandparents, teachers, friends, co-workers and any and all whom I gave the power to mold my mind. 

Those I trusted, admired, loved and respected.   

Those with a greater understanding of worldly matters, because their years, or degree, of life experience outnumbered mine and questioning what they, either knowingly or unknowingly, were teaching me, was not allowed. 

I learned, without doubting the validity of it all, and the idea of ever unlearning any of it was considered treason and equal to dancing with the devil himself.  It just isn’t done.

And here we are ….

Times are a-changin’ rapidly and it seems so rapidly that everything is out of control. 

Or is it?

Or is it my resistance to unlearning?

Or is it really a relearning of basic life values that I haven’t had to take out and examine for a few generations?

A land of plenty can create plenty of gluttons, spewing their gospel and handing out food for thought that in reality is empty brain calories that fills minds with bloated, useless information disguised as nourishment. 

I feel as though I’ve been shoved into an endless all-you-can-eat information buffet line, with no real info worth consuming in sight.  It’s sort of like expecting steak and lobster followed by an entire tray of decadent desserts, but only offered tofu and cottage cheese. ICK!

In the meantime, I’m starving, and in the starving, becoming weak and feeling powerless.  So I blame others, who are also starving, as they also struggle with the right and wrong of the worthless info we’re being fed. 

We spit and claw at each other, looking for something worth sinking our teeth into, while the gluttons keep filling our plates with hot air and speculation.  Laughing and patting each other on the back while we starve and continue to relinquish our power.

Why are we behaving this way?

Perhaps we need to unlearn some things.

Perhaps I need to unlearn some things.

1.  I am not always taught by those who truly seek to educate me.  I may question the validity of any and all information I consume.

Seek out QUALITY information from QUALITY sources and consume what all sides have to say.  Choke it down if needed!

2.  I am not information starved. I am overwhelmed with too much useless information.

It’s really not difficult to spot hear-say or second hand information. A social media post with scant content that heavily supports one side is not quality info.  Accept the fact that even “experts” are confused.  Common sense still goes a long way. 

3.  I am not powerless.  I may choose to travel any path I feel serves me without judging those who choose different paths.    

I only feel powerless if I choose to be.  Sometimes maintaining or retaining personal power is lonely.  Do it anyway.

4.  ?????????????

I’m prepared for more questions than answers and that’s OK.  Know when to take a break and just be at peace with not knowing.  

It seems a bit overwhelming but my approach is kind of like cleaning out a purse after years of carrying around the same old crap, like removing the tampon I haven’t needed for 20 years.  OK, too much information, but you get my drift.

To keep our heads above water we have to throw off that which is drowning us.

Old ways of thinking can be very heavy and as worthless as that nasty aforementioned tampon.

Soldier on….

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