Big foot

Big foot
Still growing into those kickin' life in the ass boots!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Challenges vs. Change & Being Thankful

Apologies for ignoring blog posts, time has slipped away and challenges have been knocking on my front door relentlessly. 

Firstly, the gig here at Catalina State Park rocks!  

Our co-volunteers, fellow rangers & park managers are an awesome bunch of folks.  Not being responsible for a fee/check-in booth is wonderful to say the least.  Cleaning bathrooms, trash pick-up, landscaping and general manual labor duties are a welcome relief after a summer of up-front-and-center public interface.  Lovin’ it!

We’re totally digging the miles and miles of hiking trails, sunshine, 70-80 degree weather and all the benefits living in the desert in the winter has to offer.  Yay us….

Along with the “good” a little “bad” must always come.  Since arriving my laptop has died, my flip-flop broke while exiting the motorhome resulting in a fall that left me with a sprained foot and pulled calf muscle, Willy and a desert sticker of some sort found each other which resulted in a visit to the vet to lance an infected area on the top of his right front paw.  My internet job is becoming increasingly demanding & I’m not sure I can meet the rigid expectations that are surfacing.
As much as I don’t like it…..the good, the bad and the ugly must surface from time to time and what I’m learning from all of the above is…

  • After hobbling around on a sprained foot & pulled muscle for a few weeks, I’m thankful for the ability to walk and walk and walk without pain, something I take for granted most, well maybe ALL, of the time.

  •  I’m thankful that I’m computer savvy enough to muddle through exiting an old computer and beginning a new relationship with Windows 8 and for a 0% interest for a year credit card offer.
  • At almost 14-years-old my faithful canine companion is ridiculously healthy and even though I detest shelling out hard-earned $$ for a vet I’m extremely thankful the vet visits have been few and far between.  Plus, we found a great vet 5 minutes down the road!
  • My internet employment has been a financial savior the past 3 ½ yrs & as I struggle to maintain the increasingly high demands they impose I’m thankful for the freedom and flexibility.  If in the worst case scenario that it “goes away” another financial door will open.  

All in all, I have MUCH more to be thankful for than to whine about and that’s all I have to say about that.

As I settle into this new RV desert dweller home that graces us with blue skies and sunshine, warm temps, explosive star-shine night skies & offers endless opportunities to re-connect with my AZ family and friends as well as begin new life-long friendships with others, I once again must say how blessed I feel and how extremely grateful I am. 


  1. Good to read your post, and glad the injuries to you and Willy are healing! The similarities in your experiences and awarenesses are so like ours that I must shivver and shake my head sometimes! Karma maybe :) Early summer, our first day near Durango, actually, while letting our dog Nell out 6 a.m. (wearing a nightgown, thankfully), I slipped off the motorhome steps and colided with a boulder. Nothing broke, but the swelling scared the s**t out of me, and the various stages of black and blue over the next six weeks were amazing... the entire leg from the knee down turned black/blue, and I wasn't sure the big knot would ever go away. But, all that remains is a light scar, and I have enjoyed some great hikes since then. As for pets... Nell has a sticker in her foot now, or maybe something bit her... we can't figure out so may need to head to a vet if it doesn't improve... soaked her foot this morning, Tom and I poked and proded but still can't see anything... applied ointment and taped a sock over it. We'll see :( And, like you, we are most grateful for our lifestyle and the awareness of our blessings! Life is great and we, too, are most grateful. Hugs to you both. D & T

  2. P.S. And, our one big frustration is that Verizon is cancelling our Federal discount since Tom is now retired. As I sit in warm sunshine with a cup of coffee and great views, I know we don't have much to be complain about, if that's the worst of it :)

  3. HA! it IS kind of spooky isn't it?? Like you, I was humbled by my foot/leg injury and VERY happy each day there was improvement. AND also like you, the vet couldn't find a thorn or sticker in Willy's foot but drained the "bump", cleaned it and after a shot of antibiotic and a pain killer sent me home with some antibiotic pills, some liquid pain killer and an antiseptic ointment. This is the 3rd day and I can see improvement but there is still a "bump", may have been a bite also. Dang on the Verizon discount going away! If it ain't one thing, it's another but as you said, we don't have much to complain about it that's the worst of it! Be well my friends!!
